
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Don't pop the balloon

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Place as much as possible on the see-saw without popping the balloon.

In turn, place an object from your body in the box.

The person who has put the most weight in the box when the balloon pops wins.

If you pop the balloon, you get zero points.

Time starts on David’s signal.

Task notes

  • The contestants are lined up on stage behind a large seesaw contraption, which has a transparent triangular box on one end, and a sharp point on the other.
  • Suspended above the sharp point is an inflated balloon.
  • The contestants are each wearing a flipper, a boot, a red glove, a black glove, a scarf, a safety vest, a beaded necklace, and a sequined hat.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • In the first round, Henrik drops his flipper horizontally into the box, effectively blocking half of its volume. In the second round, he places his boot on top of Nikki’s boot, clarifying with Babben that his boot still counts as being in the box, even though it is poking out of the top. The third round is edited out but, based on what he is still wearing, Henrik appears to have put his safety vest in the box. In the fourth round, Henrik balls up his red glove and throws it into the box. In the final round, Henrik removes his black glove and drops it on top of his red one. The momentum causes the scale to tip, popping the balloon. Henrik therefore receives no points.
  • In the first round, Linnéa carefully puts her flipper vertically into the box. In the second round, she puts her boot on top of Henrik’s flipper. The third round is edited out but, based on what she is still wearing, Linnéa appears to have added her hat to the box. In the fourth round, Linnéa removes her red glove and carefully puts it into the box. Linnéa contributes 1,058g in weight, and earns joint third place.
  • In the first round, Marko carefully puts his boot on top of the platform created by Henrik’s flipper. In the second round, Marko balances his flipper on top of Henrik and Nikki’s boots. The third round is edited out but, based on what he is still wearing, Marko appears to have added his scarf to the box. In the fourth round, Marko carefully places his hat upside-down on the centre of the pile. Marko contributes 1,080g in weight, and earns second place.
  • In the first round, Nikki puts her boot on top of Linnéa’s flipper, so it’s barely in the box. In the second round, Nikki tries to slide her flipper under her boot but, when the pile starts to shift, she instead balances the flipper on top of Marko’s flipper. The third round is edited out but, based on what she is still wearing, it appears that she added her necklace to the box. In the fourth round, Nikki balls up her red glove and carefully places it on the right edge of the box. Nikki contributes 1,058g in weight, and earns joint third place.
  • In the first round, Amie navigates her boot past Henrik’s flipper blockage, and fills the bottom of the box with it. In the second round, she places her flipper vertically, as close to the bottom of the box as she can. The third round is edited out but, based on what she is still wearing, Amie appears to have added her black glove to the box. In the fourth round, Amie removes her scarf, balls it up, and places it between Marko’s hat and the stacked flippers. Amie contributes 1,089g in weight, and wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)