
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Place the most weight on the eggs

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Place the most weight on these eggs.

Ten kilos are deducted from your total for every egg that cracks.

Olli will measure the result in ten minutes.

Task notes

  • The task takes place in the study, where there is a bowl containing 25 raw eggs, and a set of 25 identical egg-cups, arranged in a grid, on the desk.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Lars initially seems completely oblivious as to why the eggcups might have been provided. He ultimately catches on, and places each egg into one of the eggcups. He then stacks, on top of the eggs, a painting, a copy of the board game Risk, and a small wheeled table with a drawer (upside-down). Finally, he stacks a chair, upside-down, on top of the foot of the table, at which point he begins to hear eggs cracking. Lars then has the genius idea of instead parking a car on top of the eggs since, even with 250kg deducted for breaking them all, he would likely still have added the most weight to them. Unfortunately, he came up with this plan way too late in the game and, as he removes the chair from the stack, Olli blows the whistle. This means that he doesn't even get the weight of the removed chair counted in his total. In the studio, Olli reveals that he only had a total of 10.5kg left on the eggs at the end of his attempt, but had only actually cracked one them, giving him a final total of 0.5kg. This qualifies him for third place in the task.
  • Vidar places each egg into one of the eggcups and then places a small table, upside-down, on top of them. He then begins stacking piles of books on top of the underside of the table, until he begins to hear eggs cracking beneath their weight. In the studio, Olli reveals that he had piled a total of 20.3kg on top of the eggs, but had cracked four of them, giving him a final weight of -19.7kg. This secures him fourth place in the task.
  • Karin spots the typewriter on the desk and identifies that it is quite heavy, so carefully lays this on top of the eggs, which she has placed into the eggcups. She becomes curious about how strong eggs actually are, and does some online research, finding out that they are stronger than she thinks. She tries to stack books on top of the typewriter, to add more weight, but the form of the device is not conducive to having items stacked on top of it. She ends up in a panic, in the final seconds, trying to balance books on an uneven surface, and manages to knock the whole stack over, and break some of the eggs, at the last moment. In the studio, Olli reveals that she broke three of the eggs, and had no weight left on them at the end, so ends up with a total of -30kg. This puts her in last place in the task.
  • Hani brings a giant teddy bear from upstairs, and lays it across the bowl full of eggs, foregoing the provided eggcups. She then asks Olli to lie on top of the bear, assuming that the bear's padding will protect them from his weight. As Olli climbs on, though, the sound of eggs cracking beneath him can be heard. Hani decides to double down, though, climbing up onto the desk and sitting down on his backside. Further cracking sounds are heard, as she does this. At measuring time, the bear is pulled off the top of the eggs, revealing that several of them have broken, and their contents have oozed onto the bear's belly. Olli admits at this point that he feels like he has "abused a bear". In the studio, Hani is still confident that she could have won, despite breaking some eggs, since she added so much weight. Olli confirms this, sharing that she had added 174kg in weight, and cracked 12 eggs, leaving her with a weight of 54kg. She therefore wins the task.
  • Leo places each egg into one of the eggcups, and then brings a sofa cushion in from the living room, to help protect the eggs from the weight he's going to place on top of them. He spaces the eggcups out so that the cushion just covers all of them. He spots a trunk in the room that he wants to put on top of the cushion, but accidentally knocks the cushion with the trunk while manoeuvring it, breaking two eggs, as they fall off the desk. He sets his eggs back up in their cups, places the cushion back on top of them, and then stacks the trunk, and the typewriter on top of that. He also adds some additional weight by leaning and pressing down on the trunk with his arms. In the studio, Olli reveals that Leo had added 64.6kg in weight (though it is unclear how he measured the force Leo was applying with his arms), and had cracked just two eggs, leaving him with a total of 44.6kg. This secures him second place in the task.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)