
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Something that makes the wrong sound

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Bring in something that makes the wrong sound.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Leo brings in a bong, apparently made from a coconut and bamboo, which he says he acquired at a full moon party in Thailand. He pretends to have no idea what it actually is, stating that it is a musical instrument that he bought from someone, and which, for some reason, came with a lighter and some some "rosemary" or "tamarind". To demonstrate that it's a musical instrument, he whistles into the device, while moving the bowl piece in and out with his hand. Bård awards him last place.
  • Lars brings in a defibrillator and a first aid dummy, to demonstrate the fact that the life-saving devices are incorrectly depicted in TV shows and movies as making a loud 'thunk'-ing sound when used, when they are in fact silent, at the moment of applying a charge. He points out that the machines do make a lot of other sounds, in the form of audio instructions throughout the process of charging and using them. Everyone, including Bård, is shocked that they have been so misled by 'Hollywood'. Bård awards Lars third place, for providing educational content but a disappointing sound.
  • Karin describes how she and some friends were staying at a cabin in the wilderness, and heard a terrifying sound come from around them. The sound she heard, which she says she recorded on her phone, is played in the studio for everyone. She says that it was so terrifying to her group that they all went inside the cabin, barricaded the doors, and found weapons to defend themselves. They then left the cabin, early the next morning, since they were so scared of what they'd heard. She then reveals that she found out, a couple of weeks later, that the terrifying noise they heard was actually the sound of two lynxes mating. Bård awards her first place.
  • Vidar describes how he finds it so tiresome to help his children with their homework, and then reveals the device he says he has created to solve this problem: a teddy bear which, when pressed by his children, provides them with pre-recorded feedback. The audio recordings played by the bear - which appear to be slowed down - include helpful statements such as "That's wrong", "Wrong, wrong, wrong", "Maybe you should start googling low-paying occupations", and "I'm starting to wonder if you are my son". Bård awards him fourth place, after Karin and Lars point out that the talking bear isn't a real thing he has created (its just a regular teddy bear, and they're playing audio samples in the studio after he presses it).
  • Hani brings in a vacuum cleaner which sounds like it has swallowed a harmonica, when switched on. Bård says the chord it plays wants to make him start singing, while Lars points out that it also sounds like a train horn. Bård awards her second place.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)