
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Keep a balloon in the air

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is held by Pilvi, who is standing in front of the mansion, holding an inflated red balloon in her other hand. The brief for the task is as follows:

Keep the balloon in the air for as long as possible.

You may not touch the balloon with your hands, and the balloon should not come to a standstill at any point.

You can touch the balloon with the same item only once.

The one to keep the balloon airborne for the longest wins.

Pilvi will release the balloon from her hand in eight minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Immediately after reading the task, Fathi uses the task brief paper to cradle the balloon, and tells Pilvi to let go of it. He carefully cradles the balloon on the task brief, never letting it leave, and confidently tells Pilvi that anyone who just gathered a bunch of items to achieve the task is an idiot. After some time, however, the wind picks up, bouncing the balloon against the paper several times. The footage of Fathi’s attempt ends with him and Pilvi taking a walk together near the mansion, Fathi still keeping the balloon balanced on the task brief. In the studio, Fathi says that his logic was that he could use a single object as long as the balloon’s contact with that object never ended. It is revealed that he kept the balloon ‘airborne’ for 15 minutes and 3 seconds but, as Jaakko thought his performance was particularly awful (apparently the balloon left the task quite early in Fathi’s attempt), he awards him no points.
  • Immediately after reading the task brief, Eija uses the paper itself to cradle the balloon, and tells Pilvi to let go of it. However, instead of keeping the balloon on the paper, Eija bumps it into the air, and then tries to use her head to keep it airborne. She subsequently bounces the balloon off of her back, but then loses track of its position, so it falls to the ground before she can hit it again. In the studio, Jaakko praises Eija’s balloon choreography – however brief – and asks her to replicate it in the studio. She happily complies, nearly kicking Fathi in the face in the process. It is revealed that Eija kept the balloon airborne for 8 seconds but, as Jaakko thought her performance was particularly awful, he awards her no points.
  • Immediately after reading the task brief, Helmi-Leena looks like she’s going to go and fetch some supplies, but then instead knocks the balloon out of Pilvi’s grip with her elbow, and keeps it up in the air with her leg. She then declares that she’s messed up the task, as she continues to attempt to keep the balloon in the air with different parts of her body. She then manages to knock the balloon into some nearby shrubbery, where it pops. It is revealed that Helmi-Leena kept the balloon airborne for 26 seconds but, as Jaakko thought her performance was particularly awful, he awards her no points.
  • Kalle runs to the shed in search of items to help keep the balloon in the air. He starts off by using a series of paintbrushes to keep the balloon in the air, then moves on to tennis balls. He almost repeats the use of an item, but catches himself just in time. However, this throws off his rhythm, forcing him to then kick the balloon, to keep it up. He then moves on to hitting the balloon with individual ping pong balls from a nearby basket. When he runs out of items, Kalle starts using various parts of his own body to keep the balloon in the air, until it finally falls. It is revealed that Kalle kept the balloon airborne for 39 seconds, and he places second, but earns just three points.
  • Pirjo searches the shed, and emerges with a roll of gaffer tape. While carefully attaching some of the gaffer tape to the balloon (so as to avoid touching it with her hand), Pirjo admits to Pilvi that she doesn’t have any other ideas. With the gaffer tape firmly stuck, Pirjo tells Pilvi to release the balloon, and Pirjo then runs around with it, allowing the balloon to blow freely in the air. Eventually, she realises that she doesn’t even need to run, and so she simply sits down, holding the balloon on its gaffer tape leash. In the studio, after making Pirjo worry that she might have accidentally done something wrong, Jaakko praises her ingenuity. It is revealed that Pirjo kept the balloon airborne for 10 minutes before voluntarily ending her attempt, and so she wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)