
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Keep a balloon in the air

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Keep a balloon in the air.

You may only touch the balloon by hitting it.

Each stroke must be made with a unique object.

You have 10 minutes to prepare, and one attempt.

Your attempt begins when you say 'Release the balloon!'.

The one who keeps the balloon in the air the longest wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Simon debates the best way to approach the task: either gather a ton of things, or find a truly unique object – i.e. something there is only one of in existence. He also debates using a leaf blower in order to bypass the need to hit the balloon at all. In the end, Simon fills several balloons with helium and ties them to the balloon he’s meant to keep in the air. When Mark releases the balloon, it continues to flow up and away from the Stormester house. Simon easily earns first place.
  • Sofie grabs some items from the shed and moves to the glass dome. She does not have much room to manoeuvre in the dome, thanks to the presence of a large unmovable table, and it does not take long before her balloon rally ends. Sofie’s balloon remains airborne for 18 seconds, and she earns fifth place.
  • Jonas gathers a bunch of items from the shed and moves to the lab. He only manages to go through about a quarter of his items before one of the items gets stuck among the others and he misses a hit, causing the balloon (and himself) to fall onto the floor. Jonas' balloon remains airborne for 25 seconds, and he earns third place.
  • Tobias realises that he is a unique object, and decides to use himself to keep the balloon aloft. Tobias hits the balloon a bit too high on each stroke; as a result, the balloon soon travels into a tree, where it pops, but does remain in the tree. Tobias' balloon remains airborne for 20 seconds, and he earns fourth place.
  • Linda decides to use the leaf blower, in order to bypass the need to hit the balloon at all. She chases the balloon around the yard. Eventually it lands on top of a bush and does not pop, and Linda declares that it’s still in the air. Linda’s balloon remains airborne for 33 seconds before it hits the tree, and she earns second place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)