
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Quietly make a cocktail

Task types:
Single brief

Task briefs

The briefs for the task are as follows:

To Sofie:

Create and name an attractive and tasty cocktail.

You should not make any noise above 60 decibels at any time.

If you exceed 60 decibels, you must discard everything in the bucket and shout 'Sorry!' at a volume exceeding 100 decibels.

You have 10 minutes.

The most attractive and tastiest cocktail wins.

Your time starts now.

To Tobias:

Create and name an attractive and tasty cocktail.

You should not make any noise above 60 decibels at any time.

If you exceed 60 decibels, you must discard everything in the bucket and shout 'I'm a failure!' at a volume exceeding 100 decibels.

You have 10 minutes.

The most attractive and tastiest cocktail wins.

Your time starts now.

To Simon:

Create and name an attractive and tasty cocktail.

You should not make any noise above 60 decibels at any time.

If you exceed 60 decibels, you must discard everything in the bucket and shout 'I've done it again!' at a volume exceeding 100 decibels.

You have 10 minutes.

The most attractive and tastiest cocktail wins.

Your time starts now.

To Jonas:

Create and name an attractive and tasty cocktail.

You should not make any noise above 60 decibels at any time.

If you exceed 60 decibels, you must discard everything in the bucket and shout 'Shut up, Jonas!' at a volume exceeding 100 decibels.

You have 10 minutes.

The most attractive and tastiest cocktail wins.

Your time starts now.

To Linda:

Create and name an attractive and tasty cocktail.

You should not make any noise above 60 decibels at any time.

If you exceed 60 decibels, you must discard everything in the bucket and shout 'Why?!' at a volume exceeding 100 decibels.

You have 10 minutes.

The most attractive and tastiest cocktail wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Sofie takes several attempts to make the same cocktail – it appears to be mostly champagne-based. Not much of her attempt is shown. She names her cocktail ‘A Beautiful Upbringing’. Sofie comes second.
  • After a few false starts, Jonas starts taking his ingredients to the door of the lab in an attempt to keep the noise away from the decibel meter (i.e. when he needs to open a new bottle). Jonas fails several times in making his cocktail; after he reaches the point where he fails at the final step of his cocktail, he hands the bucket of discarded drinks to Mark and names his cocktail ‘A Bucket of Gin’. Jonas comes fourth.
  • At no point does Linda attempt to make an actual cocktail. Instead, she places a lime, a lemon, and an egg into a cocktail glass and adds a few decorative stirrers. She realises that the task does not dictate that the name of the drink must be written on the chalkboard, so she does not. She names her cocktail ‘Egg Egg Cheep Cheep’. Linda comes last.
  • Tobias tries to muffle any potential noise by draping cocktail napkins onto the end of the decibel meter. When he needs to yell that he is a failure, he does so in what seems to be Spanish . Tobias seemingly fails enough times that he starts elaborating on what he is required to yell, at one point proclaiming “I keep trying to improve, but it’s my destiny to be a failure.” Eventually, Tobias realises he can take the drinks tray out of the lab to make the drink and he does so. Tobias makes a mostly citrus and vanilla-based cocktail named ‘A Vitamin Pill’. Tobias comes first.
  • Simon’s footage is just a supercut of every time he yells “I did it again!” For much of Simon’s footage, he is shown trying to fill a blender to make a blended drink; when Lasse asks in the studio how Simon intended to blend the drink while staying under 60db, Simon says that he’d always planned to use the discard bucket, but he’d made too much noise on the way to actually blending the drink for his plan to be of any use. At some point, Simon places a cocktail shaker over the decibel meter to try to mute some of the noise; more often than not, Simon is loud enough that it does not help. Eventually, Simon takes the reject bucket out of the lab, fills a glass with its contents, and presents it as a cocktail, which he names ‘A Proper Feather On’ [an idiom for being drunk]. Unfortunately, the sound of writing on the chalkboard is over 60db, and Simon has to discard that cocktail. After two more tries, Simon just pours a glass of grapefruit cordial and leaves. Simon comes third.

(Source credit: Jenny R)