
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Peel the most potatoes while the balloon is in the air

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Peel the most potatoes.

The most peeled potatoes when the task is over wins.

You may only peel potatoes as long as the balloon is in the air.

The balloon must be free and may not be held.

The task is over if the balloon hits the ground.

The task begins when the potato peeling begins.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Solveig initially considers putting the balloon in the pot of water, but eventually decides on shoving it in the hedge and leaving it there. Immediately after she starts peeling, the balloon falls out of the hedge and quickly hits the ground, leaving her with only one eighth of a peeled potato. Despite this, she earns second place for being only one of two people who had, in Atle’s judgment, made the balloon float in any way (i.e. the very brief period during which it was falling out of the hedge).
  • Steinar decides to pop the balloon with a staple gun, and then quickly realises it was a bad idea. He then hangs the remnants of the balloon over a tree branch while peeling some - but nowhere near all - of the potatoes in the box. He earns no points because he did not make the balloon float.
  • Einar tapes the balloon to a tree branch, and proceeds to peel all of the potatoes. He earns no points because he did not make the balloon float.
  • Amir shoves the balloon into the hedge and peels all of the potatoes. He earns no points because he did not make the balloon float.
  • Ida creates a tall, thin cage for the balloon, by sticking some garden canes into the ground, and aims a leaf-blower at a glass bowl at the bottom of the cage, to create an updraft. After dropping the balloon into the cage, the updraft successfully keeps the balloon floating, while she peels the potatoes. She manages to get through almost all of the potatoes before the leaf-blower’s battery runs down, and the balloon drops to the ground. She earns first place.

(Source credit: Will G)