
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Do something that will look impressive in reverse

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

- Director of the Universe

You'll watch a recording of what you did, played backwards.

Do something that will look impressive when the footage is reversed.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Ante did not understand the task. In the footage, he pours himself a glass of juice, takes a sip, then drops the glass onto the ground so it shatters. When it is played in reverse, the glass reassembles itself, but the rest of the footage is nonsensical. In the studio, Luka reveals that Ante had titled the film 'The Chaotic Life of a Glass'. He earns last place.
  • Ana did not understand the task. Ana's reversed footage consists of her walking down a staircase backwards while flipping a cape around. In the studio, Luka reveals that Ana had titled her film 'Begonce' (a portmanteau of 'Bega' [Ana's nickname] and 'Beyonce'. She earns fourth place.
  • Enio understands the task. He creates a silent film of a man coming home and unpacking his bag, putting away his various grocery items before going back outside. Ivan is impressed by the film, saying that it took him a few seconds to realise that Enio really was filming the whole thing backwards as the motions were so smooth, before becoming angry that the film meant that Enio had actually just stolen all of his food. Luka reveals that Enio had titled his film 'The Mysterious Sponsor'. Enio earns second place.
  • Igor understands the task, though for the majority of the film it does not seem like he does. The footage is of a man 'undoing' several actions: making a partially-eaten sandwich whole again, catching a few playing cards to complete a deck, uncrushing a can of beer, rolling up paper towels, etc., before standing up and walking into the house. There is debate in the studio as to whether Igor actually understood the task. Igor argues that the shot of him lighting a match on his tongue (when in reality he extinguished it on his tongue) is proof, and that the film is about the fact that he's magic. If Igor titled his film, it is not given. He earns third place.
  • Lidija understands the task. Her film shows Luka entering the room and plugging in a vacuum cleaner before handing it to Lidija. Lidija uses the vacuum cleaner to blow out powder to spell 'Direktor Svemira' on the floor. It's not noted in the studio, but for the most part, Lidija's footage even gets the line order correct for most of the letters (for example, the left line of the 'K' shows up before the two diagonal right lines, and she writes the V from left to right). In the studio, Luka reveals that Lidija had titled her film 'Stardust'. She wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)