
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kathrine unsuccessfully uses David Baddiel reasoning

Kathrine is the only contestant who does not immediately realise that the lock on the bottle is fake (if one tries to remove the lock by twisting it, it remains on the bottle, but simply pulling up will easily remove it).

She therefore tries to decipher the lock’s code, first asking Mark what his favourite numbers are, then looking at the bottom of the bottle, before trying some generic default codes like ‘1234’.

Finally, she figures out that the lock can simply be pulled off.

Kathrine is not shown thawing the banana at all before starting to put it into the bottle, but it’s mushy enough that she must have warmed it up somehow, or else spent quite some time on the lock.

When she realises that there is jelly in the bottle, she sources a chopstick off-camera and uses it to break up the jelly, violently shaking the bottle to loosen and remove small chunks of it.

When she decides that enough jelly has been removed, Kathrine mushes up the banana and shoves it into the bottle with the assistance of the chopstick.

When Mark points out that she has left some of the banana outside of the bottle (namely, the entire peel), Kathrine argues that the entire banana is in the bottle, and that the peel is not part of the banana (much like David Baddiel’s argument that the eggshell is not part of the egg, during the ‘Throw eggs into metal receptacles’ task).

In the studio, there is an argument among the contestants as to whether the peel can be considered separate from the banana, but Lasse rules that the peel also needed to be inside the bottle for the task to be considered solved.

Kathrine is therefore disqualified.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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