
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kevin bows to the establishment

Kevin spends a fair amount of time trying to understand the task, as he believes the task brief is instructing him to slide the duck.

When Antoine points out that Kevin is meant to slide himself, Kevin argues that the task brief does not read ‘de [vous] glisser’ (‘slide yourself’).

Kevin has actually incorrectly read the task brief, which states ‘glissez le plus loin’ (‘slide the furthest’) as ‘glissez-le plus loin’ (‘slide it further away’).

Antoine says that if Kevin wants to embrace the latter interpretation of the task, he is free to, but that not only Louis, but l'Académie Française (The French Academy - the council in charge of anything pertaining to the official rules of the French language) would find his interpretation shocking.

Apparently deciding not to challenge such a historical establishment, Kevin searches the shed for ways to slide his body, and emerges with a pair of skis.

However, Kevin tells Antoine that he doesn’t know how he will slide on the skis, as they are currently on a flat surface.

Searching the shed once more, Kevin pulls out a yoga mat, and decides that he will sit on it and slide – but that Antoine will need to pull him by the mat’s handle.

Antoine agrees to do so.

However, the handle of the mat immediately snaps off as soon as Antoine starts pulling.

Kevin therefore slides less than 10 centimetres, and earns fourth place, but only 1 point.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores