
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Phil does it on ‘beds’

Phil searches the shed and finds a body board.

He wonders if his best strategy would be to search the shed for everything that could possibly be slippery.

A further search of the shed turns up a few rolled-up tarps.

He unrolls the tarps onto the grass (a process he likens to putting on a fitted bedsheet), weighs the edges down with bricks, and says he plans to use soap and water to help with his slide.

Phil uses the body board to test how well the wet tarps work and, when the body board does not make it to the end of the tarps, decides he will slide on his belly instead (he says “on beds”, with ‘beds’ being short for ‘bedaine’, meaning ‘belly’).

Phil and Antoine both remove their shirts, and Phil gives Antoine a brief pep talk, as Antoine holds the vital role of making sure the tarps remain as wet as possible during Phil’s attempt.

After spraying a bit more dish soap onto the mats, Phil takes a running start and lands on the body board, traveling nearly the entire length of his course.

Phil slides 6.10 metres in total, and earns second place, but 5 points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores