
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marie-Lyne exercises

After reading the task brief, Marie-Lyne immediately decides to go outside and work out.

She heads to the shed, where she finds a skipping rope, and begins to exercise.

Noting that she tends to mainly sweat from her armpits, Marie-Lyne makes sure that her sleeves are rolled up to her shoulders, to ensure that no sweat gets absorbed into her clothing.

When using the skipping rope does not generate any sweat, Marie-Lyne finds a tarp in the shed and rolls herself up in it, hoping to raise her body temperature.

Eventually, she starts to run around while wrapped in the tarp.

After a while, Marie-Lyne tries to gather sweat from her arms.

While there is none present there, she is happy to find some between her breasts (and is also surprised that it is brown, presumably due to some sort of tanning lotion?).

She then admits that she can feel some sweat in her butt crack, and wonders if that’s a line she should cross on television.

Whether she does or not is not revealed, as she then goes for a run up the nearby ski hill.

After her jog, Marie-Lyne removes her undershirt (off-camera), and wrings it out over the eggcup, worrying that the sweat she had collected early in her attempt might already have evaporated.

In the studio, Antoine confirms that this is exactly what had happened, and she is officially listed as having collected no sweat.

Louis still awards her third place, but awards her just 2 points, for her effort.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores