Phil suffers an injury

Phil removes his shirt and starts to lift two sand bags which he has sourced from somewhere, while performing squats.
He eventually finds a black bin bag and wears it like a shirt, insisting that it is a “sweat-generating technique” that he has seen before.
Phil continues his weight squats in his new bin bag attire.
This method is successful, and Antoine scrapes the eggcup up Phil’s back to collect the gathering sweat from his exertions.
Near the end of his attempt, Phil has difficulty removing the bag, and many drops of accumulated sweat drip down onto the ground and over Antoine’s hand, instead of into the eggcup.
In the studio, Louis notes that Phil had spent some of his attempt sitting down on the floor, and questions why.
Antoine plays some additional footage, revealing that Phil had jogged in place for part of his attempt, but had turned his ankle on one of the sandbags while doing so, necessitating that he sit down for a while.
Phil collects 3 millilitres of sweat in the eggcup and - Antoine estimates – leaves about a cup and a half of sweat on the floor.
He earns first place.
(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)