
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Karen attempts to be a cool teacher

When Karen mentions that she was previously a teacher, Pearl says that that’s cool.

Karen therefore decides to lean into this, asking for a whiteboard before telling Pearl she’s not allowed her phone. When Paul questions that decision, Karen changes her mind and allows the phone to stay, because that’s cooler.

They set up a classroom in the study, with the desk facing two chairs where Paul and Pearl are sitting.

After carrying out a very quick roll call, Karen mentions that she’s got snacks, and offers them to Pearl, who says she’s not hungry. Karen then mentions that she’s also got some sweets, so Pearl gives in and takes one.

Karen then mentions a cool handshake that Paul had done with Pearl at the start of her attempt, and suggests that maybe she and Pearl can come up with one of their own. The pair begin shaking hands normally, and then just stop, as neither of them can actually come up with any ideas.

Karen then starts freestyling a rap, which has the lyrics:

Sometimes you think someone’s a fool
Actually they’re really, really cool
Pearl is here, she’s learning all day
I think she’s really cool, I don’t know if she’s gay
It doesn’t matter anyway.

She earn fourth place.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores