
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mel fixates on the bus journey, rather than the destination

Mel decides to bring up her TikTok account in her discussion with Pearl, referencing in particular her well-known Jacinda Ardern impression. Pearl admits that she’s seen that, but has generally ignored it.

When Mel asks Pearl what she likes to do, Pearl replies that she likes hanging out with friends, and going to the mall on a bus.

For some reason, Mel fixates on the public transport aspect of this activity, and so decides to recreate a bus journey for Pearl.

They move to the caravan, where Mel pretends to be the bus driver. She stands by the door of the caravan as Pearl approaches, and asks her for her bus card. When Pearl claims that she’s forgotten to bring it, Mel says she’s a cool bus driver, and so will still let her get on.

After Pearl mentions that it’s nice when the bus is crowded with a lot of different people, and that it’s sometimes funny when someone gets kicked off the bus, Mel gets some members of the production crew to join them in the caravan, and has one of them start loudly coughing. Mel then berates them about Covid safety, and tells them to get off the bus (apparently while it is still moving).

She also gives Pearl some sweets.

In the studio, it is revealed that Pearl had been quite surprised that Mel had focussed so much effort on the public transport, and not the mall.

Mel earns last place.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)

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