
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Lucy calls the Women’s Institute

After reading the task, Lucy states that she feels like she’s in Dubai, but doesn’t specify why this is.

She tries to pull the sword out and, when it doesn’t move, Alex calls it a “magic sword”.

Lucy reasons that something specific is needed to release it, and so tries pulling the sword out while saying her own first name, then her own last name.

Searching for clues, Lucy comes across the envelope in the mailbox. Confused by the letter, Lucy bemoans the fact that this isn’t a task where she can “just run around”, and then asks if she can call the Women’s Institute.

After wasting some time on the Women’s Institute’s automated telephone answering service, Lucy finds the cracker on Greg’s statue, and reads the set-up for the joke.

She also takes the flag from the statue and takes it with her into the LandPod.

Inside the LandPod, Lucy finds the cut-out letter on Rob Beckett’s photo, which prompts her to search around for more letters. Having found (presumably) all of the scattered letters, she returns to the LandPod and attempts to rearrange them to find the password.

She correctly identifies that the capitalised letters from the mailbox letter are also important, and so starts lining up her cut-out letters with the text in the letter.

After matching up ‘W’, ‘I’, and both ‘D’s, she asks if there is a picture of Josh Widdicombe in the LandPod, then heads outside to try to remove the sword after saying Josh’s name.

Having removed the sword, she asks Alex what happened to Excalibur in the Arthurian legends, and Alex replies that it was thrown into a lake. Lucy therefore throws the sword into the bathtub before leaving the scene.

Having successfully pulled the sword out of the stone after 28 minutes, she earns third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

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