
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Phil does the exact opposite

Phil does not seem particularly excited for the task, even half-jokingly asking Antoine if he’s allowed to refuse to do it.

Antoine’s starting heart rate is 69 BPM.

Phil starts vigorously shaking Antoine’s hand and arm, but this has the adverse effect of actually lowering Antoine’s heart rate to 57 BPM.

Phil leaves the lab and comes back with several props: a cartoon dog hat, which he places over Antoine’s face; a handheld fan, which he uses to lightly caress Antoine’s head and neck; and a long cardboard tub, through which he makes low groaning noises right next to Antoine’s ears.

Phil follows up his assault on Antoine’s senses by popping a balloon and yelling. Although the balloon does manage to spike Antoine’s heart rate a bit, the lead up to it had actually lowered Antoine’s heart rate even more, leaving him at 55 BPM.

As Antoine’s heart rate continues to lower, Phil muses that the task is a reflection of his life: that people are initially excited to see him, but are always disappointed by the end.

Phil decreases Antoine’s heart rate by 14 BPM, and he earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores