
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christian writes some Olli-centric wishes

After reading the task brief, Christian recognises that writing “very ambitious” things on the parchment would likely be setting himself up for disaster. Despite this realisation, the first thing he wishes for is ‘world peace’.

Christian also wishes for Atle to be happier, for Olli to smile, and for Olli to hug him.

After writing these wishes, Christian accidentally gets ink from the pot on one of his fingers, so he also writes that he wishes for the ink on his finger to be gone. However, he runs out of time while writing this, so is only able to write ‘the ink on my finger ahh’ (thus coining the episode title).

After receiving the second task brief, he believes that sending Atle money will make him happy, so he transfers 300 kroner (roughly £22) to Atle (in the studio, Atle says that he’d paid it back).

Christian then uses his non-inky fingers to pull the corners of Olli’s mouth into a smile, then leans into Olli for a hug.

Christian realises that he has nothing to fulfil for his ink-stained finger wish, since it’s simply written as a statement that there is ink on his finger (‘aah’ is used as shorthand/slang for ‘then’ in Norwegian).

Christian voluntarily stops his attempt after having only used about half of his time – presumably having no ideas for how to accomplish world peace – and leaves the room.

Having fulfilled four of his wishes, he earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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