
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

List your wishes, then make them come true

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The first task brief is leant against a magic lamp on the desk in the study. The second task brief is propped up on the shelf at the front of the desk, visible to anyone who might think to look for it, and is handed to the contestants by Olli. The briefs for the task are as follows:

You have awakened a spirit in the lamp, and get as many wishes as you can write on this parchment in 123 seconds.

Your time starts now.

It turns out that you are the spirit in the lamp.

Grant as many of your own wishes as possible in 20 minutes.

The most fulfilled wishes wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The lamp and task brief are both stood on top of a piece of parchment, next to which there is an ink pot and a feather quill.
  • Although there are similarities between this task and the ‘Make your wish come true’ task, this version is different enough that it is categorised as original here.

Official task video

Task stats
