
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The Sues both do all the tasks... almost

Susan volunteers to both stare at Sue and to smile and shake her head, while Sue volunteers to yell.

Sue starts off by reading one of the tasks briefs attached to her, which instructs them to share with one another something they’d done which they now regret. Sue says she regrets having worn thermal underwear beneath the two layers of boiler suits they are wearing for the task. Susan goes back to her childhood for her regret, stating that she regrets putting a watch battery into her unpierced ear when she was six years old.

Sue’s next task brief instructs them to make their buckets look like their faces. She seems at a loss for how to do so, before Susan realises that there are likely markers on the whiteboard, and backs up into it, trying to alert Sue while not breaking eye contact.

After they have drawn on their buckets, Sue reads one of Susan’s task briefs, which instructs them to write a powerful message to the other team on the whiteboard. Sue writes “Less is less (sometimes)”.

Sue’s next task requires the two to shake hands. Susan’s smile afterwards is genuine, as she says she had really enjoyed it.

For the next task, the two walk to the front door so Sue can sniff it (“DAMN THAT SMELLS GOOD!”). Susan also chooses to sniff it, which means that she temporarily has to stop looking at Sue, but she is not pulled up on this.

Back in the lab, The Sues must shake one another’s hands again, twice.

Sue then turns around so that Susan can remove Sue’s final task brief from her back and, after being told to complete 20 squats, the pair complete 20 squats each (instead of 20 squats in total).

Sue reads the next task which had been attached to Susan, and which instructs them to eat a bowl of cereal in the lab. Susan follows Sue to the kitchen and pours a bowl of cereal for each of them, while Sue searches the fridge for milk.

After Sue finishes her cereal – but while Susan is still working on hers – Sue reads another task brief, which instructs them to shake hands again.

As Susan desperately tries to finish her very full bowl of cereal, Sue reads another task brief, which instructs them to name a total of five biscuits. Sue names "Garibaldi", "Nice", "bourbon", "custard cream", "chocolate digestive", and "Jammie Dodger" – a total of six.

The Sues then put their buckets back on their heads, unaware that they have only completed 11 of the 12 tasks (there is still one attached to the back of Susan’s leg – yet another one instructing them to shake hands).

In the studio, Greg comments on how Sue’s shouting voice makes her sound like a Sergeant Major, which he finds odd when paired with Susan, the “jolly, compliant primary school teacher”.

The Sues completed their tasks in 7 minutes and 54 seconds, and would not have taken much longer, had they spotted the final task brief.

Greg debates disqualifying the team for not completing the task, but Sam defends them, calling them “dynamite chicks” (thus coining the episode title). Thanks to Sam’s passionate defence – as well as some audience pressure - Greg awards The Sues 2 points each.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores