
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marie-Lyne and Kevin work at different speeds

Marie-Lyne discovers Antoine’s bound hands while looking around the room for what the full task might be.

Kevin leaves the room in search of a paperclip, in hopes of picking the handcuff locks, while Marie-Lyne searches the room for the key.

While he’s gone, Marie-Lyne mutters disdainfully how she feels about his strategy, wondering if he has approached the whole series in the same manner.

As Kevin returns, Marie-Lyne finds the UV torch, and discovers the message on the back of the task brief.

Believing that the clock being referred to is a real clock, she reads the time from the table clock, which reads ‘11:49’, and so tries the combination ‘149’. When that doesn’t work, she also tries ‘955’, though it’s not quite clear how she came to that conclusion.

As Marie-Lyne tries several other time-based codes in the 950s, Kevin continues to try to pick the handcuff lock with his paperclip, and suggests that Marie-Lyne try the code ‘911’, after the World Trade Center attacks.

Kevin then notices that the portrait of Louis has a melting clock on it, and removes the portrait from the wall, pointing it out to Marie-Lyne. The melting clock, however, does not have a minute hand on it, so Marie-Lyne dismisses its usefulness.

Kevin then runs the UV torch over the melting clock, discovering the code ‘911’, and smugly informs Marie-Lyne that his guess was correct (although not for the right reasons).

Marie-Lyne and Kevin put the puzzle together, and Kevin notices the reference to the book. After briefly running the UV torch over the book, Kevin realises that the second number is likely a word count, and so he counts to the correct word, despite Marie-Lyne’s doubts about his theory.

Marie-Lyne then runs to the shed and grabs the party popper, bringing it back to the study.

Kevin and Marie-Lyne look behind the framed pictures, with Kevin finding the Polaroid, and Marie-Lyne then freeing Antoine.

In the studio, Louis acknowledges that Marie-Lyne was the harder worker of the pair, but that Kevin had found the most important clues.

Kevin admits that everything he found, he found accidentally.

Phil jokes at the fundamental flaw in the pair: Marie-Lyne and Kevin work at two different speeds, both physically and emotionally, which makes for good comedy, but a bad team dynamic.

Marie-Lyne and Kevin free Antoine in 18 minutes and 30 seconds, but earn joint first place with the faster team of three.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)