
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Release Antoine

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is presented on the table in the study. The brief for the task is as follows:

[In normal ink, on the front] Your time starts now.

[In UV ink, on the front] Free Antoine.

Fastest wins.

[In UV ink, on the back] Look on the clock.

Task notes

  • Only part of the instructions on the task brief are printed in normal, visible ink, and some of it has to be revealed through the use of a UV torch, which is located in the pencil cup on the desk.
  • The UV torch is also essential to revealing the hidden code of ‘911’ on the melting clock on Louis’ portrait.
  • The numerical code can then be used to open the combination lock on the box found on the shelf under the portrait.
  • The jigsaw puzzle inside the locked box, when solved, reveals the clue “L'Etranger [The Stranger], Albert Camus, P.83-65”, which refers to a book that the contestants can find in the study.
  • When the contestants find the book and look at the right word on the right page, they will find the word ‘cabanon’ (‘shed’).
  • Inside the shed, the contestants find a party popper, inside of which there is the clue “Look behind the frames”.
  • Behind one of the framed photos in the study, there is a Polaroid photo of Antoine’s handcuffed hands, holding the handcuff key.

Official task video

Task stats



Click on the thumbnail images below to read a description of each attempt.