
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tammy quickly builds a rig

Tammy predicts that Marie-Lyne will win the task.

After quickly finding a hose, Tammy laments that all she needs now is a plan.

She finds an empty barrel, and starts to fill it with water. She traps the hose against the barrel with a ladder, and leaves it running while she fills a bucket with water from the sink in the kitchen, to speed up the process.

Tammy climbs the ladder and looks down into the barrel, fearing that she isn’t high enough to make a big splash, even though she’s planning on throwing a bowling ball into the water.

With her time running out, Tammy decides to quickly build a rig, commandeering a tall GoPro crane arm mount, and draping a rope over it.

Tied to the rope, there is a bucket, inside of which she has placed the bowling ball.

Tammy releases the rope, which drops the bucket into the barrel, creating a somewhat disappointing splash.

In the studio, Tammy affirms her disappointment with her result. She says she truly believed her method would have worked, and still does not know what had gone wrong [note: basically, she should not have used the bucket].

Tammy creates a 1 metre high splash, and earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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