
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kevin and Marie-Lyne get an unexpected extra team-mate

In the first round, Kevin first draws a small pi-shaped symbol, and Marie-Lyne incorrectly guesses that it is a giraffe. Louis then joins their team, so that Marie-Lyne can have a discussion partner for her guesses. Kevin adds more lines so that his figure resembles a line with four legs and a tail. After Louis comments that it can’t be something “as stupid as a dog or cat”, Marie-Lyne incorrectly guesses that it is a horse. After the team lose the round, Kevin reveals that he was, in fact, drawing a mouse. As he argues about how he’d clearly given it four legs, Marie-Lyne has to point out that many other animals also have four legs.

In the second round, after the opposing team correctly guess their animal on their first attempt, Marie-Lyne and Kevin are given the same opportunity to earn points in the round. Marie-Lyne draws two long, diagonal, parallel lines, and makes one of them look like an ‘L’. Louis then correctly guesses that it is a giraffe, so the team earns a point.

In the third round, Marie-Lyne draws a zigzag shape. Louis and Kevin debate whether Marie-Lyne is drawing a penguin or a starfish, and Kevin incorrectly guesses that it is a starfish. What Marie-Lyne was actually drawing is not revealed.

The team win the task by default after the opposing team is disqualified by Louis for communicating.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)