
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mona gets her team disqualified

In the first round, Phil draws two parallel long lines, one with a hook at the end. Mona incorrectly guesses that it is a swordfish. Phil then adds more short lines to the hook, representing teeth, and Mona correctly guesses that it is a crocodile.

In the second round, Tammy draws three lines in a roughly whisker-shaped formation. Phil jokes that it’s a mouse (referencing what Kevin had previously attempted to draw for the opposing team), but Mona correctly guesses that it’s a cat.

In the third round, Mona draws a long line with an inverted ‘V’ on top of it. Phil incorrectly guesses that it’s a shark. Mona then replies that if they don’t guess her animal, she’s going to “de flipper” (‘flip out’). Flipper is the name of a very well-known show about a dolphin, and this is clearly an attempt by Mona to give her team a verbal clue to the correct answer, so Louis disqualifies the team.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)