
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marte makes an anti-boat

After presumably considering making a boat that sinks, Marte instead wonders if she could make a boat that goes up rather than down, and asks if there is any helium available.

Marte then dashes into the house and starts filling modelling balloons with helium, briefly taking a break to inhale some helium herself before continuing.

As she tapes her balloons together, Marte muses that she cannot think of a worse boat than one that does not actually want to be a boat.

She blows up a smaller balloon and draws a face on it, naming it ‘Little Trill’, and placing it in her balloon boat.

At a nearby body of water, Marte puts her boat into the water, where it immediately starts floating off into the sky, tethered to Marte’s wrist by some string.

In the studio, Atle reminds Marte about the folk tale hero Espen Askeladd who, in one of his stories (specifically The Ashlad and His Good Helpers) had a magic Viking ship that could sail on land, water, and air. He challenges her to claim that such a boat is ‘lousy’.

Marte argues that her creation is still miserable as a boat, because it fundamentally will not work on water, even if it does work in the air.

Atle awards Marte third place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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