
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mona overturns a wheelbarrow

Mona asks Antoine if anything spinnable an acceptable solution, even the “simple, humble wheel”. When Antoine affirms that Mona can use a wheel if she wishes, she immediately gets an idea.

Searching the shed for a wheel to spin, she emerges with a wheelbarrow. After overturning the wheelbarrow, Mona puts a piece of blue tape onto the wheel, to make it easier for Antoine to count its rotations. She then tapes the string from a kite reel to the mark, and starts winding the string around the wheel.

After wrapping about half of the string around the wheel, Mona declares that it is enough, and starts her attempt. The wheelbarrow’s wheel spins quickly, and while she’s initially pleased with her result, Mona eventually laments that the wheel slows down sooner than she’d anticipated (she thought it would spin for at least an hour).

Mona takes some comfort in her certainty that she has done better than Marie-Lyne (she is incorrect), as she says she considers Marie-Lyne her performance bar for all of the tasks (since, as she puts it, Marie-Lyne will already be drinking white wine during the morning task shoots).

In the studio, Louis compares Mona’s attempt to her look: “a good idea, questionably executed”.

Mona’s wheelbarrow wheel spins for just 28 seconds, and she earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores