
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tammy goes for a drive

Tammy initially believes that the pedometer must be attached to the shoe, and so starts rapidly tapping the shoe against the table, before moving to the grass. However, she soon realises that the pedometer can be separated from the shoe, and does so.

Tammy frantically moves around, while shaking the pedometer, wondering if she can accomplish the task in some other way, before realising that she can look for things in the shed.

She finds a kart, and places the pedometer on its seat before pushing it forwards, incorrectly believing that the pedometer will record steps if it is moving forwards.

When her kart method does not work, Tammy searches the shed again and emerges with a garden hose. She ties the pedometer to one end of the hose and starts swinging it around in circles above her head. However, the pedometer soon gets flung off of the hose, so she tries her method again after using some zip ties to properly secure the pedometer to the hose.

When the pedometer barely registers any steps after several minutes of being spun around on the hose, Tammy gets the idea to instead start driving the pedometer around.

She loads the hose into the back of a production vehicle, leaving the end with the pedometer attached to it dragging around loose on the ground.

The car is a manual transmission, which Tammy admits to not having driven in a while. After an initial scare, in which she is convinced that the car’s brakes are broken (when really she’s just mixed up the car’s brake and accelerator pedals) Tammy goes for a drive, allowing the hose to bounce around on the road behind her, and returns to the house just as her time runs out.

Tammy’s pedometer records 2,304 steps, and she earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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