
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marie-Lyne turns to electric appliances

Marie-Lyne immediately removes the pedometer from the shoe, and shakes it while searching the shed for something to assist her. However, she is unable to find anything that she believes will be quicker than just shaking the pedometer with her arm, which she admits is starting to tire.

Marie-Lyne moves her search to the house, where she retrieves an electric fan and a roll of duct tape. She secures the pedometer to one of the blades of the fan and switches it on, but the pedometer detaches soon after the fan reaches its full speed.

Marie-Lyne then searches the house again, and emerges with a food blender. She covers the blender’s blades in a layer of duct tape, and then duct-tapes the pedometer inside of a work glove, before placing it inside the blender, and turning it on. She also shakes the blender while it runs, reasoning that it will increase the pedometer’s total faster. She eventually turns off the blender when she says she can smell it burning. However. the blender ultimately only adds about 30 steps to her total, so she simply shakes the pedometer for the short remainder of her time.

Marie-Lyne’s pedometer records 1,981 steps, and she earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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