
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Lucy lists her hard limits, and gets lucky

In the living room, Lucy labels the first black switch as ‘Leaves’, and switches it. She then asks Alex if the leaves will continue to appear if she leaves the switch on, and he replies that it all depends on whether or not the switch she’s chosen actually controls the leaves. Lucy then flicks the switch back off again.

Although she does eventually label all of the switches, it is not known what label she assigned to each of them. She also plays with all of the switches.

She correctly labels the right-most red switch as ‘Danger’, and debates for some time whether or not she should switch it. During this process, she lists off all of her hard limits to Alex: going upside-down, spiders, tinned hot dogs, folk music, ice cubes, and stretched cotton wool. Presumably, she plans on flipping the ‘Danger’ switch only if none of those things are involved.

In the lab, Lucy starts the task in the UV light, but the big lights then quickly turn on.

Lucy balances two tees at a time on the shelves, on their sides.

Soon, a pile of leaves falls down over the shelves, but because Lucy had been balancing the tees on one of the lower shelves, they luckily remain undisturbed.

At some point, Lucy switches up her balancing method, balancing the tees on their heads instead. She manages to fill at least two full shelves in this manner, with her success aided by the fact that she does not even attempt to balance tees while the vibrating platform is on.

Lucy balances 19 golf tees in total, and wins the task by default, as she is the only contestant not to have flipped the ‘Danger’ switch (though likely only because she’d run out of time before she could make her decision).

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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