
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marte listens to her gut

Marte immediately decides that she needs to find a pram, so she can take the egg for a walk (in Norwegian, a pram is ‘rolled’, not ‘pushed’).

Marte finds a small pram clearly meant for a child’s doll, which is filled with Duplo. She rests the egg on top of the Duplo and marks her starting point at the bottom of the steps, at the top of the driveway.

Marte takes large steps while walking, estimating that each of her steps is about a metre. Eventually, she speeds up her steps, and comes across a road sign indicating that there is a bridge 400 metres away.

She chooses to take this as a gift from the universe, and plans to walk all the way to the bridge. However, she fails to take into account the distance that she has already travelled to get that far. After walking towards the bridge for a while, she consults her instincts to see if she wants to continue, and her gut feeling tells her that she is 250 metres from the start, so she continues. Closer to the bridge, she stops again to consult her instincts again and, this time, her gut feeling tells her to stop.

In the studio, Olli reveals that Marte had actually walked a total of 1,400 metres, and had rolled the egg 797 metres, as the crow flies. Marte is therefore disqualified.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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