Kevin and Marie-Lyne actually get along

Upon seeing the task set-up, Kevin immediately voices his hope that he will be allowed to get into the shopping trolley, as he wants to see how far Marie-Lyne can push him.
While reading the first part of the task brief, Marie-Lyne wonders if it is asking each team member to sacrifice a hand. After finishing her reading, Marie-Lyne sticks with this assumption, although she believes that the task will involve the two of them pushing the shopping trolley together in unison, so she positions herself and Kevin facing the trolley, making sure that each have free hands on different sides of their bodies.
Initially, it seems that Kevin and Marie-Lyne’s team dynamic will continue to be poor, as Marie-Lyne repeatedly yells at Kevin to run, and Kevin replies that he does not run. However, as the two start to pull buckets from the shed and fill them with sand, they start actually communicating and working together effectively.
Kevin uses a small bucket to load sand into his larger bucket, while worrying about pushing the sand around once the pile gets lower, while Marie-Lyne prematurely solves his worry by using her shoe to sweep sand into her own small bucket.
Eventually, the two fill the large bucket with sand, carry it to the shopping trolley together, and put it in. Marie-Lyne counts to three before lifting, just to make sure they are both on the same page, and no sand is spilled in the lifting effort.
Marie-Lyne then runs to the shed and fetches a smaller bucket and a recycling tub. When the two reconvene at the sand pile, Marie-Lyne starts using her small bucket to push sand into Kevin’s small bucket. Kevin rests his small bucket against his knees, and uses his free hand to push sand into it.
The two share a moment of mutual disdain for having to keep their hand on their hips, and both agree that the task is going well.
Eventually, the two scoop up enough sand that the buckets are no longer useful, so they work together to sweep up as much sand as possible with their free hands and deposit it into a bucket.
Surprisingly, when Marie-Lyne says that she believes they can move their buckets to the shopping trolley, the historically-lazy Kevin says that he’s not yet finished scooping up the sand.
Marie-Lyne then runs to the shed in search of a broom. Although she cannot find one, she does emerge with a snow shovel, which Kevin holds while Marie-Lyne pushes as much of the remaining dregs of sand as she can onto it.
Kevin puts the smaller bucket of sand in the shopping trolley next to the large bucket and, as there is no room left within the trolley, Marie-Lyne slides the recycling tub onto the shelf beneath it.
Kevin and Marie-Lyne move an impressive 44kg of the 45kg of sand, and win the task.
(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)