Put the most sand in the shopping trolley / Sabotage your team

Task types:

Task briefs
Phil receives his extra, secret task brief in the bathroom before the team task begins. Antoine, who is seated in an adjacent stall, hands it to him from underneath the wall separating the stalls. The teams receive their other task briefs outside the Le Maître du Jeu House, where it is attached to the handle of a shopping trolley. The briefs for the task are as follows:
To Phil:
Sabotage your team during the next task.
If your team loses, you win 5 points.
If your team wins, you win zero points, and if your team accuses you of sabotage, you win zero points.
To both teams:
Place half of your hands on half of your hips, and leave them there until the second part of the task is over.
Also, the hands that are on the hips must only touch those hips until the second part is over.
You have two minutes.
To both teams:
With your hands on those hips at all times, put the most sand in the shopping cart.
You may only move the shopping cart when there is one minute left on the clock.
You have 10 minutes.
Your time starts now.

Task notes
- Some distance away from the shopping trolley, near to the shed, a rope fence has been erected on the AstroTurf, creating what resembles a boxing ring. In the middle of this roped area, there is a 45kg pile of sand.
Task stats


Click on the thumbnail images below to read a description of each attempt.