Eat one item, balance one item, throw one item

Task types:

Task briefs
The task briefs are held in three alligator clips with bases, on a table outside of Antoine’s cabin. The briefs for the task are as follows:
Standing behind this rope, throw one item into the bucket.
You may retrieve the item if you miss your throw, but you must stand behind the rope on every throw.
You may not move the rope or the bucket.
Fastest wins.
Balance one item on top of the perch.
The item must stay balanced until the entire task is complete.
You may not take the perch out of the base.
Fastest wins.
Eat one item.
Fastest wins.
Task notes
- Also on the table are a Jell-O cup on a plate, a cheese puff, and a granola bar.
- To the left of the table, there are two stanchions supporting a red velvet rope.
- To the right of the table, there is a tall pole mounted in a base.
- Some distance in front of the rope barrier, there is a bucket on the ground.
- Although all of the contestants receive the same tasks, they are not necessarily presented in the same order on the table for each contestant (for example, the task closest to the food for Mona is the throwing task, while the task closest to the food for Phil is the balancing task).
- For some of the contestants, the cheese puff is also held by an alligator clip. This is presumably because the windy conditions during Mona’s attempt had caused it to be blown off of the table and lost for a period of time.
Task stats


Click on the thumbnail images below to read a description of each attempt.