
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tammy narrates her life

Tammy first reads the throwing task. She picks up all three items, checking their weights against each other, to see which would be the most ideal to throw.

She then wonders if she should open the other two envelopes first, and decides that she will. She is, in fact, the only contestant to read all three task briefs before deciding on a course of action.

Tammy reasons that she will need to leave the balancing task for last. She then praises herself for being organised in the task, but immediately chides herself for wasting time in doing so.

Tammy decides to save the granola bar for the balancing task, and eats the cheese puff. It is only after she’s done so that she realises that she has left herself with the challenged of throwing the Jell-O into the bucket. She briefly wonders if it could be balanced on the pole instead, and visualises how this might go by resting it on her index finger while providing a “cloopsh” sound effect. She ultimately decides to throw the Jell-O into the bucket, encouraging it on its journey, and lands it on her first attempt.

Tammy then drags the table to the perch and climbs on top of it, balancing the granola bar on the pole. As she does so, she says that she’s very proud of herself, and that she believes that the task went well, even though she knows she talked a lot.

In the studio, after noting that Tammy had voiced all of her thoughts during the task out loud, Louis asks Antoine if she always narrates her life at home. In response, Tammy comments out loud that she is not sitting straight, so she will reposition herself, that she wants to rest her arms, that Kevin’s legs look nice, and that she wonders why the man in front of her is talking.

Tammy finishes all three tasks in 2 minutes and 13 seconds, and earns third place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores