
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marie-Lyne fakes her throw

Marie-Lyne removes all three task briefs from their alligator clips, but still for some reason makes the decision to read and complete them one at a time.

She first reads the eating task, and immediately eats the cheese puff.

She then reads the throwing task, and decides to throw the Jell-O. Her first throw goes well over the bucket. The next throw seen in the footage of her attempt also misses, and there had apparently been enough additional missed throws that weren’t shown at this point that Antoine rhetorically asks Marie-Lyne if she is aware that she is on a competition show.

Eventually, there is not much Jell-O left for Marie-Lyne to throw. What ends up being her final throw comes nowhere near the bucket, but Marie-Lyne pretends that it had gone in anyway, and moves on to the final task.

Marie-Lyne drags the table to the perch, and starts to climb onto it, voicing her concern that she may not be able to balance on it. Antoine rushes in to steady the table for her.

Marie-Lyne places the granola bar on top of the pole, and tells Antoine to stop the clock. She hypes up her non-existent Jell-O throw, insisting that it was “amazing”.

In the studio, Marie-Lyne acknowledges that she did not actually throw anything in the bucket, as the Jell-O had effectively disintegrated by that point. She observes that ‘The Jell-O Never Made It Into the Bucket’ would be an excellent title for a book, though.

Marie-Lyne is disqualified for not completing all of the tasks.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores