
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Julian goes fishing

Julian initially throws a single card at the clown, which lands just at the edge of the stage, before telling Alex that he has an idea.

He asks if the shed has elastic bands, and then asks Alex to go to the shed with him. As the two walk together, Julian asks Alex if he is really like this, or if it’s just a stage persona; Alex replies that he doesn’t know what Julian means.

In the shed, Julian binds his deck of cards together with a bungee cord, and then attaches it to a fishing rod, which he brings back to the stage.

Julian explains to Alex that he intends to just push the fishing pole into the clown’s mouth. While attempting to do so, he accidentally pulls the bin over. This turns out to be a blessing in disguise for Julian, as the bungee cord has made his deck of cards heavy, and so he has an easier time getting it in the clown’s mouth.

Alex points out that there is still a single card left on the stage (the one Julian had thrown at the beginning). When Julian asks if he has time to do anything about it, Alex says that he has two minutes remaining.

Julian proudly states that he will go to the shed by himself this time (to which Alex replies, “I’ll miss you”), and he then returns with a fishing net, which he uses to sweep the card off of the stage.

Julian wraps the card in the task brief, and then asks Alex to give him a countdown. Julian then tosses his bundle towards the clown’s mouth. His throw misses, and the card lands near the wall of the house. Despite still having time to try to retrieve the card, Julian decides that he’s not going to worry about it.

As Julian leaves the scene, Alex states that it was nice to go to the shed with him. Julian replies that Alex was “not the first”.

Julian gets 51 cards into the clown’s mouth, and wins by default, after everyone else is disqualified.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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