
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Susan throws her cards

Susan initially tries her luck at just throwing a few cards. She throws a handful, which hit the clown’s face, but all of them fall to the stage.

Susan goes through several more rounds of throwing cards, managing to throw several into the clown’s mouth, and eventually throwing the contents of her entire deck onto the stage.

She then asks Alex to retrieve all of the cards that are littered on the stage for her, and is outraged when he refuses.

Susan asks for permission to go to the shed, but then goes into the hutch, crying out in distress that what she thinks is the shed has nothing in it. Alex explains to her that she is not actually in the shed.

Susan sources a Swiffer from somewhere, and uses it to sweep up as many cards as she can reach without breaching the threshold of the stage – a grand total of two cards.

She then proceeds to throw both of those cards back at the clown, and misses with both.

Susan ultimately manages to throw 12 of her cards into the clown’s mouth (“for insanity, that’s pretty good”, she insists), but is then disqualified after Alex plays additional footage revealing that her hand had crossed the threshold, while throwing the cards.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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