
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Annika attacks Mark

Annika just so happens to be eating a banana as she emerges from the house and reads the task brief, so when she subsequently reads the line about attacking the banana, she insists that she already has.

After the task brief bursts into flames, Annika looks over the items attached to the garden arch, clearly not remembering much of anything that she had just read (although she does remember the part about attacking the banana, so she hits the one attached to the arch, just to ensure that it is counted).

Annika runs part of her banana slowly over the didgeridoo with a smile, for which she gets the credit for ‘charming’ it. She also remembers that something needs to be hit, but she believes it to be the pint of draught beer (rather than the head).

Annika peers at the burnt task brief, and is able to make out the letters ‘OPD’, which leads her to correctly assume that the whole word is ‘opdag’ (discover), and to deduce that she must discover something.

She hits Mark with the plush zebra toy, justifying her attack by claiming that she thought it was written on the task brief. She then admits that she may be wrong about the item, but she’s certain that Mark was meant to be attacked, so she proceeds to attack him with many of the items remaining on the garden arch. This includes the mannequin head, meaning that Annika inadvertently correctly fulfils the ‘hit the head’ requirement.

Annika then returns to the burnt task brief again, and is able to make out the word ‘ryst’ (shake) and the letter ‘S’. Looking again at the items on the garden arch, and after initially believing that ‘xylophone’ is spelled with an ‘S’, she eventually spots the bag of candy, and shakes it.

At the end of her attempt, Annika tells Mark that she has a feeling that she’s done very badly.

In the studio, Annika attempts to argue that she had effectively ignored the artichoke, but Lasse rejects her claim.

Annika solves four of the 13 tasks, and earns joint third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores