
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Complete the most tasks

Task types:
Single brief
Novel task brief format?

Task brief

The task brief is written on a large piece of paper attached to some wire mesh strung across a garden arch, on the gravel driveway in front of the Stormester house. The brief for the task is as follows:

Complete these tasks.

Most correctly performed tasks wins.

You have 10 minutes from the time Mark lights the fuse.

Attack the banana

Charm the didgeridoo

Eliminate the pint of draft beer

Hit the head

Ignore the artichoke

Throw the laminator

Massage the elf

Discover the parrot’s quiz

Shake the candy

Unravel the wool

Weigh the wok and xylophone

Pity the zebra

Change the trout’s stream

Task notes

  • Nearby, there is another garden arch with wire mesh and a small side table. Attached to the wire mesh of the garden arch, there is a banana, a didgeridoo, a pint of draft beer, a mannequin head, an artichoke, a laminator, a weighing scale, a plush elf, a stuffed parrot, a bag of candy, a ball of yarn, a wok, a xylophone, a plush zebra, and a trout pillow.
  • In Danish, the mini-tasks to be completed consist of a verb and an object (or objects) with consecutive letters: ‘Angrib Bananen’; ‘Charmér Digeridoo’en’; ‘Eliminer Fadøllen’; ‘Gok Hovedet’; ‘Ignorer Jordakokken’; ‘Kast Laminatoren’; ‘Massér Nissen’; ‘Opdag Papegøjens Quiz’; ‘Ryst Slikket’; ‘Trævl Ulden’; ‘Vej Wokken & Xylofonen’; ‘Ynk Zebraen’; and ‘Ændr Ørredens Å’.
  • The Dano-Norwegian alphabet consists of 29 letters, with the additional three letters being ‘Æ’, ‘Ø’, and ‘Å’, which are placed after ‘Z’, alphabetically.
  • As the contestants begin reading the task brief, Mark lights a fuse hanging from the bottom, leading to most of the paper going up in smoke, and making the majority of the text unreadable.

Task stats
