
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Choose and complete a task

Task briefs

The initial task brief is one of six identical ones hanging down from the balcony, and accessible from the porch. There are further task briefs on the kitchen table, on the table in the caravan, attached to one of the flagpoles in the garden, on a plinth on the balcony, on a plinth in the gazebo, and attached to a post in the meadow. The briefs for the task are as follows:

Do the task by the flagpole, or the task in the kitchen, or the task in the gazebo, or the task on the balcony, or the task in the caravan, or the task in the meadow.

The fastest to complete a task wins.

Your time starts now.

In the kitchen:

Throw the ping pong ball on the kitchen table so that it bounces into the candy jar.

In the caravan:

Separate the beads by colour.

Attached to a flagpole:

Throw a hula hoop so that it goes over one of the flagpoles.

On the balcony:

Throw a frisbee from where you stand so that you hit a flagpole.

In the gazebo:

Solve the puzzle by taking apart the metal pieces.

In the meadow:

Disqualify any participant from this task.

Task notes

  • In the kitchen, there is a table tennis ball provided on the table, and a tall, thin glass jar full of sweets stood on the cooker hob.
  • On the table in the caravan, there is a fishbowl containing small coloured plastic beads, and five small glass bowls for sorting them into.
  • A hula hoop is leant against one of the flagpoles.
  • On a plinth on the balcony, there are three pink frisbees.
  • On a plinth in the gazebo, there is a metal puzzle laid on a small red velvet cushion.

Task stats



It looks like no task attempts have yet been written for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!