
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Leo’s luxury eyedrops

Leo admits that for this prize task submission, he was tempted to go with his immediate impulse, which was to bring an onion.

However, Leo has not brought onions; not because they would be a weak entry, but because they no longer cause him to tear up when he cuts them. He explains that, as a Bosnian, he eats a lot of onions, and has therefore developed an immunity to their tear-inducing qualities.

Leo also says that he’d thought about bringing an emotional film instead, but had discarded that idea, as the film would not be as moving on repeat watches.

Leo finally reveals his actual prize submission: a bottle of Clear Eyes eyedrops which he claims to use nearly every day, to help combat his dry, red eyes. He attempts to talk up his prize by claiming that the brand cannot be purchased in Norway, making them “luxury” eyedrops. Despite using them so frequently, Leo says that he still is unable to put in eyedrops without shedding a tear – either an actual tear from forcibly holding his eyelids open, or a fake tear from blinking out some of the drops (or, as Atle puts it, “You have to apply a tear to shed a tear”).

Atle awards Leo fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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