
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kojey draws with a banana

When Alex asks Kojey how long it takes him to eat an orange, Kojey is shrewd enough to recognise that whatever answer he gives might affect what is about to happen, and so he reasons that it might be smart for him to give himself some extra time. Although Alex attempts to claim that the question is not related to the show, Kojey wisely distrusts him. He initially gives a time of 4 minutes and 45 seconds, but the revises upwards to 6 minutes and 23 seconds, after Alex asks him if it’s his final answer.

After reading the task brief, he searches the living room for something that will allow him to draw on the tablet, initially testing out a long, fluffy feather, which he quickly eliminates as an option.

He then finds the banana in one of the drinking glasses in the room, pointing out that “Bananas are like fingers” before trying it out as a drawing tool.

Kojey describes what he is drawing with his banana, uttering “shoulders”. After Alex reminds him that he should be starting to get angrier, he simply repeats the word “shoulders”, but in an angrier tone of voice.

He then starts incorporating the anger into the image itself, adding laser beams shooting from his drawing’s eyes. After Alex points out that it seems Kojey is becoming less angry over time, Kojey begins growling unconvincingly.

Kojey effectively incorporates colour into his drawing, including his skin tone, a red apple, a blue background, and red laser beams shooting from his eyes.

When Greg questions the apparent lack of legs, Kojey has to explain that he’d drawn himself seated at the table, so his legs were underneath the table-top.

Greg ultimately awards Kojey first place, describing his drawing as a “masterpiece”.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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