
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Steve prioritises the abs

When asked by Alex how long it takes him to eat an orange, Steve states that he reckons he can do so in just 45 seconds.

In the studio, Greg highlights what he describes as Steve’s “orange eating arrogance”, and Steve admits that he’d honestly thought he was going to be challenged to eat an orange as quickly as possible, in the task (note: in a studio outtake, he subsequently proves that he is, indeed, able to eat an orange in just 45 seconds).

After reading the task brief, Steve holds the tablet up to his face and attempts to draw himself with his nose in the limited period of time available to him.

Steve doesn’t have much time in which to get progressively more angry, but does state that “It’s a terrible drawing, and I hate it”, and then later growls in panic and/or frustration, just before the whistle blows.

Steve’s drawing is really not bad, given the limited time he had, and the fact he was doing it with his nose. It’s noted by Greg, though, that he’d clearly focused much of that time on giving himself six-pack abs, and had also forgotten to include any fruit in the image.

Despite his omission of the fruit, Greg awards Steve fourth place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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