
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone predicts whether the things will fit through the holes

In the first round, Deborah, Steve and Zoe predict that the duck will not fit through the hole, while Kojey and Lenny predict that it will. As the duck does fit through the hole, Kojey and Lenny both get to discard one egg.

In the second round, Deborah, Steve and Zoe all predict that the frying pan will fit through the hole, while Kojey and Lenny predict that it will not. As the frying pan does fit through the hole, Deborah, Steve and Zoe all get to dispose of one egg (with Zoe carelessly tossing hers backwards into the audience and hitting someone).

In the third round, everyone predicts that the traffic cone will not pass through the hole, and it does not, so everyone gets to discard one egg.

In the fourth round, everyone predicts that the watermelon will not pass through the hole, unaware that it is squishable simulacrum of the fruit, and not a real one. After Greg squeezes it through the hole, upsetting everyone, no-one gets to dispose of an egg.

In the fifth round, after Greg reveals the bowling ball, a distrustful Kojey asks him to “give it a squish”, to prove whether it’s a real one or not. Everyone except Zoe predicts that the ball will not pass through the hole, and it does not, so everyone except Zoe gets to discard an egg.

In the sixth round, everyone predicts that the boxing glove will pass through the hole, and they are all correct, so all get to dispose of one egg.

In the seventh round, everyone except Kojey predicts that the balloon will not pass through the hole. After Greg bursts the balloon while trying to squash it through, everyone except Kojey then gets to dispose of an egg.

In the eighth round, Deborah, Kojey and Lenny all predict that the chair will not pass through the hole, while Steve and Zoe predict that it will. After Greg manages to manoeuvre the piece of furniture through the gap, Steve and Zoe both get to discard one of their eggs.

In the ninth round, everyone except Lenny predicts that the umbrella will fit through the small circular hole. After both Greg and Alex unsuccessfully attempt to poke it through, just Lenny gets to dispose of one of his eggs. At this point, Lenny and Steve are tied for first place in the task, both with just four of their eggs left, while Deborah and Zoe both have five eggs, and Kojey still has six.

In the tenth round, everyone except Lenny predicts that Alex Horne will pass through the small man-shaped hole. It appears at first that he might just squeeze through, but then the partition begins to crumble around him, as he brushes past its edges. After Greg confirms that Alex had not fit through the hole, Lenny gets to dispose of one of his eggs.

Lenny wins the task, with just three eggs remaining, while Steve earns second place, Deborah and Zoe earn joint third, and Kojey earns last place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)