
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Sam’s exorcism routine

After reading the task brief, Sam tells Alex that whenever he thinks of ‘exercise’, he thinks of ‘exorcism’.

He tears off a strip of paper from the task brief and tucks it into his shirt collar, to act as a priest’s dog collar. He then has Alex lie on the ground, and he covers him with a yoga mat, before instructing Alex to start speaking in tongues.

For the first part of his exorcism routine, Sam waves his hands over Alex, entreating the power of Christ to compel him.

The second part of Sam’s exorcism has Alex performing a backwards trust fall into Sam’s arms, as he continues to entreat the power of Christ to compel him.

Sam’s exorcism continues with a switcheroo, with Alex holding a balled-up Sam in his arms, and commanding the power of Christ to compel Sam.

Sam’s exorcism routine ends with Alex still holding on to him and chanting, only Sam is now doing a handstand.

Greg acknowledges the variety in Sam’s various stages of exorcism, and awards him second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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