
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kiell brings Bernard to the meal

After attempting to decant the milk into the big spoon, Kiell tries to find Alex, and gets tricked by both of the Alex decoys in the process. He then screams Alex’s name out loud across the park, but does not spot where the real Alex is. He then asks others who are walking by if they’ve seen Alex, and he even asks some dogs to help try to find the scent of him.

Giving up on trying to find Alex, Kiell decides to instead bring the mannequin decoy (Bernard) to the food. Referring back to an intense argument on semantics which took place in the studio during the ‘Pile the pineapples on the path’ task during series 15, he claims that “If a drawn pineapple can be a pineapple, then [the decoy] can be an Alex”. He sets the mannequin on the chair and leaves the bandstand, after which the decoy falls off the stool and onto the floor.

In the studio, Greg reasons that if he has to disqualify Morgana for not clapping for a full minute, then he has to also disqualify Kiell for not bringing the real Alex over to the food. Kiell attempts to rebut this by arguing that the decoys were meant to deceive the contestants, by resembling Alex. Greg responds by highlighting how angry Kiell had been to find the decoys, when he was trying to find the real Alex, and states that Mae Martin would be furious at him for trying to pull such a move.

In the end, Kiell is disqualified for not bringing the real Alex to his meal.

(Written by M3 / Andres Sanchez and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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