
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Pile the pineapples on the path

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is attached to a brick wall, above a metal walkway across a mill pond. The brief for the task is as follows:

Pile the pineapples on the path.

You must not get wet.

Most pineapples piled on the path wins.

You have 15 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The task takes place at a mill pond at Frogmore Paper Mill in Apsley, Hertfordshire.
  • Alex greets the contestants and lets them through a red velvet rope, which they are then not permitted to return past.
  • There are two plinths on the walkway, upon which the contestants find: a strong magnet on a long string; some tape; a pair of scissors; and a small remote-controlled speedboat.
  • There are also a fishing rod, a long-handled grabber tool, and a short-handled fishing net leant up against the wall.
  • Floating in the middle of the pond, tethered in place by a single length of fishing wire, there is a large foam rubber golden pineapple prop, atop which are balanced: an actual pineapple; a decorative metal pineapple lamp; an inflatable pineapple; a pineapple fashioned from candyfloss; and a tin of pineapple.
  • Exact duplicates of all of these pineapples are also available on dry ground, once the contestants leave the far end of the walkway and round the corner of the building.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a brief description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on writing up some additional detail, though!

  • Frankie repeatedly threw the rope anchored by the magnet at the pineapple, and used the net to gather anything in the pond. He piled 1 pineapple on the path, receiving 1 point.
  • Ivo considered making stepping stones before finding the pineapples around the corner, and also managed to fish some of the pineapples out of the pond. He piled 9 pineapples on the path, receiving 4 points.
  • Jenny repeatedly tried to gather pineapples out of the pond. She eventually cut the wire tethering the giant pineapple in place, and then watched it float towards her. She piled 4 pineapples on the path, receiving 3 points.
  • Kiell repeatedly threw the magnet, getting it stuck on the metal path, before eventually fishing out any of the pineapples that floated nearby. He piled 2 pineapples on the path, receiving 2 points.
  • Mae managed to easily fish 5 pineapples out of the pond, before trying to find hidden pineapples. They eventually drew 13 pineapples on a piece of a paper, piling a total of 18 pineapples, and receiving 5 points.

(Source credit: Taskmaster Wiki contributors)