
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Salvage the most spoons

Task brief

The task brief is found on the table in the lab. The brief for the task is as follows:

Salvage the most spoons.

You may not leave the lab, and all spoons must be salvaged with a magnet.

Your salvager must not remove their headwear.

Most salvaged spoons brought to the lab wins.

Also, from now on, you must speak in a very high-pitched voice.

You have 16 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • One of the contestants on each time begins the task sat on a chair on the driveway, wearing a helmet (with cameras mounted, pointing at their face, and across their bodies) and goggles featuring the face(s) of their team-mate(s), with another camera hidden within.
  • They are also wearing an apron with a large pocket on the front, into which they must put the spoons they collect, and are holding a strong magnet on a red piece of string.
  • The other team member(s) are seated in the lab, where they have a laptop they can use to see what the camera worn by the contestant outside can see.
  • The contestants can also hear each other speak, so that instructions can be given to the spoon-collector.
  • There are spoons in various locations around the outside of the Taskmaster house.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • After confirming that Kiell is blindfolded, Mae asks him (in their very Mickey Mouse-like voice) to "look around for spoons", to which he responds "I can't look". After clarifying that they want him to move the camera around, Jenny spots a spoon on top of the oil drum in front of Kiell, and they direct him towards it. He has some trouble getting the magnet to land on target, since it keeps getting stuck to the oil drum itself. After Kiell says the team needs to work out a better system, Mae recommends he get down on his hands and knees and crawl, which Alex immediately advises him not to do. Mae and Jenny guide him towards the bathtub, where he gets down on all fours on the grass and finds two spoons. They then guide him towards the shed, encountering an arrangement of four spoons on the lawn, along the way. In directing him towards these spoons, Jenny tells him that he needs to be "in the middle of the grass, if you can imagine it", rather than just telling him to turn left or right. Mae then points him in the correct direction to collect them. With five minutes remaining on the clock, they decide that Kiell should return to the lab. After they tell him to come and find them, he points out again that he can't see, and that they need to actually direct him. They try to navigate him around the outside of the house, but manage to make him walk into the side of the geodesic dome. After some confusing instructions about which way around the dome he needs to go, he gets around it and finds two more spoons on a utility cover in front of the house. He finds his way in through the front door, and heads down the hallway, noting to his team-mates that he has stopped listening to them both. In the studio, Greg notes that Kiell seemed like "an older brother who's been through this nonsense a thousand times". Alex reveals that Kiell managed to collect nine spoons in total, and returned to the lab with a minute to spare. Greg awards the team members five points each for winning the task by default.
  • Frankie begins by asking Ivo if he can see any spoons, to which Ivo responds that he can't see anything, since he is wearing some "elaborate headwear". After confirming that he's been "blinded", Ivo tells Frankie that "only you can lead me to the spoons". Frankie directs Ivo towards the bathtub, where Ivo collects three spoons from the edges. Ivo insists on responding to Frankie in a similarly high-pitched voice, despite the fact that he is not required to. Frankie then directs Ivo off across the lawn, swinging his magnet from side to side. They encounter the arrangement of four spoons on the lawn, and Ivo is able to collect them all. Frankie then directs Ivo over towards the decking, telling him "I'm going to guide you into a situation of some danger". After carefully navigating up onto the decking, Ivo simultaneously recovers three spoons from the surface. Frankie observes that there are "more spoons than I could've possibly imagined". Heading back towards the front of the house, Ivo has the idea of visiting the kitchen so that he can collect many spoons from the cutlery draw. He manages to walk into a tree, before Frankie directs him to also check in the geodesic dome, where he collects another two spoons. Exiting the dome, Ivo asks how much time they have left, and Alex informs him that he's used 15 minutes and 30 seconds, but won't tell him what the total time allowance was. Ivo seeks clarification from Frankie, while collecting one of the spoons from the utility cover in front of the house. He enters the house with just 14 seconds left on the clock, but can't shake his idea of plundering the cutlery draw in the kitchen, so heads in their first, despite Frankie's insistence that he focus on reaching the lab quickly (even stating "It doesn't matter if you hurt yourself, Ivo!"). Ivo therefore runs out of time while still in the hallway. In the studio, Ivo is clearly ashamed of himself, and Frankie is clearly still frustrated at his insistence on heading to the kitchen. Alex reveals that they'd managed to gather 22 spoons, but Greg decides that the team failed the task and should therefore receive no points.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)