
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marie-Lyne uses a pipe

After looking over the provided items, Marie-Lyne picks up the hose, blowing into one end while holding the other end against the side of her face, to make sure that her breath can pass through it.

She sets up one end of the hose near the candle, and covers it with the plastic cup which held the drinking straws, presumably to keep the air in one concentrated location. However, she then alters her strategy, instead using a few rubber bands to hold the hose against the underside of the cup, which she uses as a platform to position the hose as close to the candle’s flame as she can.

Marie-Lyne then retreats to a corner of the room and starts to blow into the hose. Unfortunately, she has positioned the other end of the hose parallel to the candle, meaning that the air never blows directly across the flame, and the candle consistently flickers, but has no chance of actually extinguishing. Marie-Lyne does not identify this problem, however, and so instead tries blowing into the hose from various different points in the room, presumably under the assumption that some sort of kink in the hose is her issue.

Marie-Lyne eventually also tries using the vacuum cleaner to provide more air pressure, but this does not solve her problem.

In her final 20 seconds, she grabs one of the long pipes and just blows into that, extinguishing the candle from a shorter distance.

Marie-Lyne extinguishes the candle from 4 metres away, and earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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